STAFF School
Scouting applied on Lago y Tierra
Scouting applied on Lago y Tierra
Scouting applied on Lago y Tierra
Scouting is a method that provides members of a group with a healthy environment through various activities, leading those who practice it towards good habits and strengthening initiative, self-esteem, and self-education.
Our team of instructors is composed of young men and women aged 20 to 25, who are rigorously selected based on their human qualities, academic excellence, experience in group management, and creativity. They are also technically trained to carry out all activities with the safety, responsibility, kindness, and professionalism that Lago y Tierra offers, demanding above all adherence to the ethical code of our institution.


In addition to having constant supervision from our coordinator responsible for designing and directing the selected programs.
Our staff, both instructors and coordinators, are trained in first aid.